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Release 0.11.0

· 2 min read
Melissa Liu

Release Notes

StyleX v0.11.0 is now available, with significant improvements in debugging, CLI caching, and documentation!

Turn it up to v0.11.0!

Debugging Improvements

Improved Runtime Debugging

We've made some big improvements to the information available in debug mode. We now include sourceMap information to indicate the file and line of the stylex.create call responsible for providing styles on a given element. This information is contained in the data-style-src prop in the DOM. To use, set debug to true in the StyleX config. (Thanks necolas)

CLI Cache Improvements

The StyleX CLI now includes better cache invalidation and expanded support:

  • Cache now invalidates when config options change in the StyleX and .babelrc configurations
  • Added support for relative file paths
  • Now supports Deno applications

Documentation Updates

New theming recipes

We've added new documentation that provides improved guidance on theming, including best practices for resetting and merging themes, as well as dynamic color-scheme management using built-in functions. (Thanks nmn)

API enhancements

We've added documentation about the new PostCSS plugin and updated the docs to reflect the latest debug information. (Thanks necolas)


  • We've added exported return types for stylex.types.* functions such as stylex.Color and stylex.Length. Now, expressions like stylex.types.color("red") are explicitly typed as stylex.Color<string> (Thanks nmn)
  • We've added an autofix to the valid-styles rule to provide autofix suggestions for border styles
  • We've made a fix to how we process multivalue shorthands with slashes (Thanks yasuhiro-yamamoto)
  • Small typo fixes (Thanks mattstyles and necolas)